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Club Officer Bearers 2021

Hon. Vice President
Sir Edward M, Taylor M.A. M.P.
Hon, John Maxton M.P.
Tom Harris
David Campbell-Wylie
Vice President
John Cassidy
Immediate Past President
Louie Nixon
Hon. Secretary
Angela Morris
Hon. Treasurer
Louie Nixon
D. Caldwell, Mrs A. Dickson, A. Drennan
I.Smith, S. Hurrell, J. Logan, R.Fair
D. Lynch, G.McDonald, J.Kerr


Greens & Grounds
Convener: G.McDonald
Sub Convener: 
Fire & Safety Officer
House & Building
Convener: J. Logan
Sub Convener: D. Caldwell
J. Louden, D. Malone
Match Committee
Convener: I. Smith
Sub Convener: 
R. Fair, J.Cassidy,
C.Bain, G.Blair, D.Lynch
A. Morris
Representative to
Scottish Bowling Association
R. Fair
Representative to
Glasgow Bowling Association
I. Smith
Convener: R. Fair
J. Cassidy, B. O'Donnell
Social Ways & Means
Convener: W. Granger 
Sub Convener: A. Drennan
H. Smith, A. Greig, J. Ferguson, M. McGlashan
Savings Bank
J. Logan, G. Logan, J. Louden
Convener: J. Ferguson
Secretary: A. Drennan
Treasurer: M. McGlashan
Joint Match Secretaries: D. Ayton, A. Cook
Finance & General Purposes
Convener: President
J. Cassidy, A. Morris, L. Nixon 
Officials are Ex-officio members of all committees
Clark Andrews C.A.
Covid Officers
A. Morris, J. Cassidy
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