Croftfoot Bowling Club
Welcome to the Ladies Section
The ladies have their aggregate on a Tuesday afternoon. Even if you no longer play bowls the companionship in the hall can be quite entertaining,
you might even learn how to knit or crochet from one of the seasoned pros.
We have a several competitions throughout the season that you can enter,
we have the Championship, Presidents, Vice Presidents, 2 bowls, pairs and triples, you can enter as many or as few as you like.
There is also the 1+2 competition, fellowship games and a whole host of external competitions that you can take part in.
We take part in the West of Scotland, East Renfrewshire, Glasgow and Bowls Scotland leagues with ladies representing the club each week throughout Glasgow and beyond.
But it’s not just the ladies we play alongside, there are several mixed competitions from mixed pairs, mixed fours, Directors v Ladies, The John Douglas and the fair triples when we get the chance to show off our skills to the gents.